Watching a hunting dog do what they are bred to do can be one of the most satisfying parts of hunting. But taking a great dog afield isn't just for hunting birds, rabbits, or other small game.
Hunting coyotes with dogs can be an exciting way to stay off the couch and get out in the field to do some predator control by using trained dogs to locate, track, and flush out coyotes.
Today, let's learn about coyote hunting with dogs and how to use them for a successful hunt.
The Benefits of Coyote Hunting with Dogs
Hunting coyotes can be a very useful tool for wildlife management. This can help control predator populations, especially during the critical months during or just before when new fawns and nesting turkeys are most vulnerable.
Using dogs that hunt coyotes can help increase your average success rate. Dogs can help cover more ground and locate coyotes more efficiently than a single hunter by himself. They can also give the coyote something visual to cue in on when calling is used.
Hunting with dogs also adds a different level of excitement and challenge. Many houndsmen believe that it adds a dynamic and team-oriented aspect to the hunt beyond the traditional roles of caller and shooter, which are not found in other methods.
What Are the Best Methods for Hunting With Dogs?
There are two main ways that dogs can be used to hunt coyotes. These are tolling and pursuit.
The first involves using the dog as a live decoy.
Often called "dogging" or "tolling," this involves using a dog to trigger the territorial response from a coyote that lures them into shooting distance. Like other forms of coyote hunting that may involve electronic or handheld calls that mimic prey in distress, this type of hunting works extremely well with coyote imitation calls such as barks, howls, or pups in distress.
The second form is using dogs for pursuit.
Common dog breeds used to chase down coyotes are staghounds, greyhounds, or mountain curs, due to their impressive speed, courage, and intelligence. This form of hunting is popular in more wide open and flat areas of prairie and large tracts of agriculture fields where dogs can use their speed to their full advantage.
Challenges and Considerations
Suitable landscapes are necessary for hunting coyotes with dogs, like large ag fields or big hardwoods with an open understory with long lines of sight where the hunter can keep an eye on both dogs and coyotes at long distances.
You don't want to use just any lap dog for this. Coyote hunting with dogs requires the right breed and experienced, well-trained dogs, which can take time and effort to raise and train properly.
Know the Rules
Regulations can vary by state or region, but laws against hunting with dogs are becoming more commonplace with increasing social and political pressure from anti-hunting and landowner rights groups.
Always check your local regulations to ensure the method is permitted in your hunting area before heading afield. For example, in Pennsylvania, it is legal to hunt coyotes with dogs.
Safety Tips for Hunting with Dogs
Hunter safety should always be top of mind when heading outdoors, but that also applies to our four legged companions.
Be mindful of shooting angles and the proximity of your shot to your dogs at all times.
Equipping your dogs with GPS collars allows you to track them wherever they go, but you also need to be able to call your dogs back while they may be otherwise preoccupied or out of earshot. E-collars with either non-stimulating tone or vibration modes are great options to let your dog know it's time to turn back and lure that coyote into range.
Coyotes are wild animals and will attack when cornered, so I also recommend protective gear for your hunting dogs. Catch dog vests or cut collars made of Kevlar can protect vital areas from bites if coyotes get too close.
The Importance of Training
Just like with athletes, practice makes perfect when working with your canine hunting partners.
Training and practice help build trust and foster the bond between hunter and dog, but also help build up conditioning and endurance for longer hunting sessions and various weather conditions.
I like to train how I hunt, so I take my dog out with me as often as possible to get them accustomed to longer tracking sessions and to break them of off-game species. Plus, it's just plain fun to spend time outdoors with man's best friend.
Tips for Hunting With Dogs for the First Time
Dog training can be an extremely rewarding process but can take a lot of work. It can be beneficial to connect with experienced coyote hunters to learn the ropes before setting off on your own.
Joining hunting clubs or groups can be a great way to gain insights into dog handling and can help shorten what otherwise may be a steep learning curve.
Use HuntWise for an Efficient Hunt
Make the most of your time (and your dog's time) in the field when hunting coyotes. Use HuntWise's HuntCast tool to track coyote movement and choose the best time to head out for your hunt based on the forecasted wind direction and local weather conditions.
Enjoy Coyote Hunting With Dogs Using HuntWise as Your Guide
Taking your canine hunting buddy out for a coyote hunt can be quite a thrill and a rewarding day afield. Just remember to make sure your dog is well-trained and ready, and plan a day that sets him up for success.
A great coyote hunt takes planning, so plan your next successful hunt with HuntWise. Use HuntCast and our 3-D mapping features to "map" out your day so you hit the field with your dog at the ideal time to catch coyotes on the move. You can also use WindCast to set yourself up in the best location so coyotes don't smell you waiting for that perfect shot.
Now is a great time to start planning your coyote hunt and learning the app to plan your hunting year! Download it and explore it free for your first week.
Every year, after my deer tags are filled and duck season comes to a close, I shift my attention to predator control. Coyotes can be hunted year-round in nearly every state, but the late winter and early spring is a great time to focus on hunting coy...Read More
Coyotes are extremely smart animals with keen eyesight and a strong sense of smell. Catching one of these creatures can earn hunters a badge of honor in the sportsmen community.Read More
Predator hunting is often a big topic of discussion among hunters and nonhunters alike. Should it be done, and if so, how often and by what method? Read More
Every year, after my deer tags are filled and duck season comes to a close, I shift my attention to predator control. Coyotes can be hunted year-round in nearly every state, but the late winter and early spring is a great time to focus on hunting coy...Read More
Coyotes are extremely smart animals with keen eyesight and a strong sense of smell. Catching one of these creatures can earn hunters a badge of honor in the sportsmen community.Read More
Predator hunting is often a big topic of discussion among hunters and nonhunters alike. Should it be done, and if so, how often and by what method? Read More