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Close-up of hands holding antlers after shed hunting.
Field Guide  /  Hunting Tips

9 Tips for Shed Hunting Success

6 Minute Read

Just because bow and gun season might be over doesn’t mean the chase for whitetails has to be. Many of us have deer on our minds year-round – one reason shed hunting has become so popular. Off-season doesn’t just include scouting but now introduces the concept of searching for that elusive whitetail shed.

"Shed hunting" is simply the search for deer antlers that have naturally fallen off the deer. 

Shedding season happens in late winter after the rut, which typically takes place in February or March in most of the United States. Finding antlers helps hunters who want to continue their season year-long. Shed hunting has also been known to help hunters take "inventory" of bucks that have made it through the last hunting season in preparation for the next season. 

How can you master shed hunting to help your in-season deer hunt success? Today, our HuntWise hunting experts share nine tips to help you master shed hunting and enhance your search for whitetails.

An antlered deer stands in a field, shed hunting concept.

Tip #1: Look for Quality, Not Quantity

If you try to find every set of antlers that could be in your potential hunting areas, your eyes will get tired after searching acres of property. Instead of "more," go for "less is more," and focus on quality sheds and the information you can glean that could be helpful when hunting season starts again. 

You don't have to find every antler (or piece of antler) to have a successful shed hunt. Try to hone in on some small areas more likely to hold bedded bucks. 

Thoroughly searching a small yet high-potential area can yield a far higher return than meandering throughout dozens of acres.

Tip #2: Explore Thick Brush in the Woods

Deer feel safe in the thick brush of the woods. This also happens to be where many antlers fall off of a buck. 

Don't be afraid to dive deep into the woods during your search for sheds. When you find antlers in these areas, mark them on a map in your HuntWise app so you'll know where to hunt and find deer next season. 

Tip #3: Look High and Look Low

We don't mean you need to climb trees to look "high." 

Bucks bed on high ground most of the year, particularly on points or ridges. These "high" locations can be a great spot to find sheds from a whitetail. 

Then, when the weather gets rough and the wind starts picking up, bucks will seek shelter, which sends them between ridges or in creek bottoms – or "low." 

As you plan your search for sheds, conquer the high ground as well as the low spots of the land plots you're targeting for your hunt. You'll get a more well-rounded view of deer movements when you go everywhere they might go.

Tip #4: Locate Whitetail Crossings

Look anywhere a deer would have to jump or duck – a creek, a fence, a downed tree, or even a tree suspended over a major whitetail highway. These locations make for great spots for a pair of sheds jarred off from a buck passing through. 

However, be careful when crossing or approaching fence lines of a property. Make sure you have permission to cross onto private land before doing so. 

If you shed hunt with the HuntWise app, you have access to the most updated property lines and property owner information. Contact a private land hunter while on your hunt so you don't lose valuable time or information that can help you tag a deer next season. 

Tip #5: Seek Whitetail Shelter

Hunters often look only down at the ground sheds when they should actually be looking for a lone cedar or pine. Whitetail deer love these areas, as they offer additional shelter from snow and wind. 

When hunting sheds, try to look under every pine tree and cedar, as these are common areas for a whitetail to take shelter. Antlers on the ground in these areas can be worth marking in your HuntWise app to return to during whitetail season.

Tip #6: Look on the South Side

The south side of a ridge tends to receive the most sun. Deer will often bed in these locations, especially on sunny days in winter. 

So, don't forget to walk the south side of a hill on any land you plan to hunt. You could walk into a goldmine of sheds and an excellent spot for your hunt next season. 

Tip #7: Don't Be Afraid to Meander Close to Suburban Neighborhoods

Whitetail are just like any other animal; when hungry, they search wherever the hunt leads them and do whatever it takes to find food. 

Therefore, you might not have to wander deep in the woods to find shed antlers. 

Don't be shy about walking close to neighborhoods with wooded areas. A whitetail doesn't mind robbing a birdfeeder or grazing near homes where food can be found. Mark these spots on your map, but be careful about hunting too close to homes or people when the season starts. 

Use information about deer and shed antlers near neighborhoods to deepen your understanding of their movements and how they ultimately move through private or public hunting land in the area.

Shed hunting concept, antlers on the ground with some snow.

Tip #8: Hunt for Shed on a Sunny Day with No Snow

Antlers are generally light brown to off-white and can easily blend into a snowy environment. This can make shed hunting somewhat difficult. 

Therefore, if you have the time and flexibility, always prioritize your shed hunting time on bright days with minimal snow. The contrast in color between antlers and matted-down leaves or the snow-free ground makes them far easier to find. 

Tip #9: Mark Where You Find Your Shed on HuntWise

We've mentioned it throughout these tips, but this top tip deserves its own place on our list. 

Bucks often bed in the same general areas every winter. This means that the sheds you collected this year will likely be a hot spot for the next year. 

As you collect sheds, mark the locations where you found them on the HuntWise app, just like you would mark a tree stand, and prepare yourself for another incredible hunting season each year.

HuntWise is the Best App for Successful Shed and Whitetail Hunting

We want to see you succeed as a hunter year-round. Whether during gun season, scouting season, or practicing archery during the summer, we want you prepared to tag everything you want to tag each season. 

The HuntWise app makes that easier! Use it to locate your favorite hunting spots and shedding areas to help you inventory what you could hunt next season. 

From finding public or private plots with land owner names and contact information to mapping the best locations to plan your hunt, HuntWise is the best hunting app for whitetail hunters year-round. Download and try it for free! 


Content updated January 11, 2024.

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